Menu Definition Object

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Menu Definition


Name Category Type Description ReadOnly
MENU NAME UI PROPERTIES string Name of the menu.
TIMELINE UI PROPERTIES string Timeline name used for sliding in and out the ui.
TYPE UI PROPERTIES string The Type of menu.
GAME STATE UI PROPERTIES string The game state that the menu appears.
RENDER ORDER UI PROPERTIES int The render order of the menu.
PINNED UI LAYOUT bool If true the layout cannnot move.
PRIORITY UI LAYOUT int The priority of the menu.
ALWAYS VISIBLE UI LAYOUT bool If true the layout will always be visible in the game state.
CREATE ON LOAD UI LAYOUT bool If true the layout will be created when the game loads into the correct game state.
MODAL DIALOG UI LAYOUT bool If true when the menu is visible no other menu can show or hide.
CONTEXT MENU UI LAYOUT bool If true when the menu is visible it will be closed if another menu is show or mouse click is done outside the menu.
OPEN SOUNDS string The open sound.
CLOSE SOUNDS string The close sound.
MULTIPLAYER ONLY PROPERTIES bool If true when the menu is visible only in multiplayer
SINGLEPLAYER ONLY PROPERTIES bool If true when the menu is visible only in singleplayer
PER INSTANCE PROPERTIES bool If true the player warps levels or floors the UI will get recreated
CLOSE WITH KEYBOARD PROPERTIES bool If true the menu can be closed by the keyboard
LAYOUT TYPE UI LAYOUT string The layout type.
SINGLE INSTANCE PROPERTIES bool If true there can only be a single instance of the menu
FOLLOW TARGET PROPERTIES bool If this menu has a target it will position the parent windows at the screen position of the object in the world. Only works if custom position is selected.
HIDE ON TARGET LOST PROPERTIES bool If a target is lost then it will hide the widgets of this menu.
DO NOT CREATE PROPERTIES bool If true the UI will not be created in the game.
RIGHT VIEW SUBMENU BLOCKERS string List of menus that block the right hand side.
LEFT VIEW SUBMENU BLOCKERS string List of menus that block the left hand side.
KEY BINDING UI PROPERTIES string The key binding for this menu to toggle.
STOP INTERACTING UI PROPERTIES bool If true the UI will stop interacting with an NPC.
OCCLUDED UI LAYOUT bool If true and a pane that is docked to the right or left overlaps this menu it'll hide itself.
CAPTURE ALL KEY INPUT UI PROPERTIES bool Captures all key input. Setting true will make esc or space not work.
PLAYER ENABLED UI PROPERTIES bool If false the user can no longer control their player until this menu is closed.
CHAT ACTIVATEABLE UI PROPERTIES bool If true chat can be activated.
TYPE_ TARGETING string The type of target the list should use.
INDEX TARGETING int The index of the target type.
SECONDARY INDEX TARGETING int The secondar index of the target type.
TARGET NAME TARGETING string The name of the unit in the level.

Input Events



Allow Keyboard to Close

Do Not Allow Keyboard to Close

Output Events


On Visible

On Invisible

Lost Target

New Target

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