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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description
15:19, 2 May 2013Tutorial (file)2 KBBrian.Barhorst (Example .layout for "Moving Objects with a Timeline" tutorial.)
15:17, 2 May 2013Movingobjects logic.png (file)98 KBBrian.Barhorst (Completed "Moving Objects with a Timeline" Logic Setup.)
15:16, 2 May 2013Movingobjects timeline.png (file)127 KBBrian.Barhorst (Completed "Moving Objects with a Timeline" Timeline.)
15:15, 2 May 2013Movingobjects setup.png (file)409 KBBrian.Barhorst (Completed "Moving Objects with a Timeline" Setup)
23:38, 10 April 2013Lightingalayout setup.png (file)288 KBBrian.Barhorst (Completed "Lighting a Layout" setup.)
12:35, 19 March (file)441 KBBrian.Barhorst (An example mod created from the Creating UI tutorial.)
12:31, 19 March 2013Logiceditor window.png (file)166 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Logic Editor window.)
11:17, 18 March 2013Mainwindow scenemanager particlecreator.png (file)939 BBrian.Barhorst 
16:39, 27 February 2013CreatingAMod ConfirmSaveLocation.png (file)113 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Confirm Save Location window for mods.)
16:05, 27 February 2013CreatingAMod RemoveFiles.png (file)46 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Remove Files mod window.)
15:24, 27 February 2013CreatingAMod PackageAndPublish.png (file)169 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Mod Package and Publish window.)
13:53, 27 February 2013CreatingAMod RequiredMods.png (file)20 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Required Mods window.)
12:55, 27 February 2013CreatingAMod ModSelection.png (file)42 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Mod Selection window.)
17:54, 26 February 2013RandomChoice Logic.png (file)156 KBBrian.Barhorst (Logic Editor window for spawning a monster through random choice.)
17:53, 26 February 2013RandomChoice Setup.png (file)462 KBBrian.Barhorst (Completed "Random Choice" Setup)
17:17, 1 February 2013Spawnclasseditor.png (file)544 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Spawn Class Editor window.)
16:36, 30 January 2013LevelOrganization.png (file)92 KBBrian.Barhorst 
16:00, 30 January 2013Logicdebugwindow.png (file)172 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Logic Debug Window)
15:39, 30 January 2013Levelobjectwacher events.png (file)36 KBBrian.Barhorst 
15:33, 30 January 2013Levelobjectwatcher properties.png (file)19 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Level Object Watcher Level Object Properties window.)
15:04, 30 January 2013Levelobjectwatcher.png (file)214 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Level Object Watcher window.)
15:12, 28 January 2013Scenemanager.png (file)81 KBBrian.Barhorst 
17:41, 18 January 2013Mainwindow settings properties.png (file)825 BBrian.Barhorst (The Properties Settings window icon.)
17:41, 18 January 2013Mainwindow settings options.png (file)880 BBrian.Barhorst (The Options Settings window icon.)
17:41, 18 January 2013Mainwindow settings mods.png (file)684 BBrian.Barhorst (The Mods Settings window icon.)
15:36, 18 January 2013Mainwindow scenemanger layout.png (file)884 BBrian.Barhorst (The Layout Scene Manager icon.)
15:36, 18 January 2013Mainwindow scenemanager ui.png (file)712 BBrian.Barhorst (The UI Scene Manager icon.)
15:34, 18 January 2013Mainwindow scenemanager scratchpad.png (file)933 BBrian.Barhorst (The Scratch Pad Scene Manager icon.)
15:06, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar timeofday.png (file)3 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Time of Day button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
15:05, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar reload.png (file)1 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Reload Assets button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
15:04, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar playerlight.png (file)598 BBrian.Barhorst (The Player Light button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
15:03, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar null.png (file)760 BBrian.Barhorst (The Null Mode button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
15:02, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar eraser.png (file)786 BBrian.Barhorst (The Brush Eraser Mode button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
15:01, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar brush.png (file)1 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Brush Mode button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:58, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar scale.png (file)1 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Scale Mode button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:58, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar rotation.png (file)636 BBrian.Barhorst (The Rotation Mode button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:57, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar position.png (file)1 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Position button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:56, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar redo.png (file)779 BBrian.Barhorst (The Redo button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:55, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar undo.png (file)792 BBrian.Barhorst (The Undo button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
14:51, 18 January 2013Mainwindow toolbar play.png (file)852 BBrian.Barhorst (The Play Scene button on the GUTS main window toolbar.)
13:39, 18 January 2013Timecontrol.png (file)26 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Time Control window.)
13:31, 18 January 2013Chunkpalette.png (file)66 KBBrian.Barhorst (The Chunk Palette window.)
16:07, 17 January 2013MainWindow.png (file)168 KBBrian.Barhorst 
13:13, 5 November 2012Organizationcomparison scenemanager.png (file)46 KBBrian.Barhorst (Comparison between unorganized and organized Scene Manager.)
16:35, 19 October 2012LevelFeatureTag Editor.png (file)80 KBBrian.Barhorst 
16:51, 18 October 2012Themes ThemesEditor.png (file)45 KBBrian.Barhorst 
16:03, 18 October 2012Themes DropDown.png (file)25 KBBrian.Barhorst (Themes Drop-Down box in Level Rule Set Editor.)
16:02, 18 October 2012Themes LevelRuleSet.png (file)129 KBBrian.Barhorst (Themes in Level Rule Set Editor window.)
15:18, 18 October 2012Themes ThemesWindow.png (file)66 KBBrian.Barhorst (Themes Window for selecting Active/Deactive Themes.)
15:06, 18 October 2012Themes Properties.png (file)3 KBBrian.Barhorst 

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