Keyboard Shortcuts

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Ctrl + Left-click - Select multiple Level Objects.

Ctrl + Right-click - Bring up a "Start Here" context menu to play the level and spawn at the clicked location ( if it is pathable ).

  • Select "(close)" or click anywhere else to close the context menu without playing the level.

Shift + Right-click and Drag - Marquee select multiple Level Objects.

Right-click and Drag - Look around with the camera.

Mouse Wheel In or Out - Zoom the camera in and out.

Esc - Deselect all Level Object(s).

F2 - Rename the selected Level Object in the Layout Scene Manager.

F4 - Select all instances of the currently selected Level Object(s) in the Layout.

F5 - Play the level.

Shift + F5 - Stop playing the level ( if currently playing ).

F6 - Launch Torchlight2.exe.

Ctrl + 8 - Toggle the Player Light on or off.

Tab - Toggle the "~Use Rule set" option True or False.

Q or E - Raise or lower the camera.

W, S, A, or D - Move the camera.

Ctrl + W, S, A, D, Q, or E - Double the speed of the camera movement.

R - Reset the camera to the default distance and rotation.

  • If nothing is selected the camera will move to the origin of the level.
  • If a Level Object is selected the camera will move to the origin of the selected Level Object.

T - Toggle objects snapping to the set snap values on or off.

Ctrl + I - Toggle an arrow indicating the direction of the Directional Light in the current Level Rule Set.

Ctrl + P - Show the Working Plane.

[ or ] - Cycle between all Visual variations the selected Room Piece may have.

Ctrl + G - Show the Grid.

Ctrl + H - Show all Helpers.

Ctrl + K - Select all Room Pieces that have "Collision Enabled" set to True.

Ctrl + Shift + K - Display the collision meshes of all Room Pieces in the Layout.

  • Red indicates a pathable area
  • White indicates a non-pathable area.

Ctrl + L - Show all polygon edges.

C - Scale the selected object(s)

  • Not all objects are scalable.

V - Close the Brush Editor window.

B - Open the Brush Editor window.

N - Snap the selected Level Object to the grid using the current X, Z snap value.

Ctrl + N - Snap the selected Level Object to the grid using the current X, Z snap value and reset its orientation.

Ctrl + M - Toggle MIP level diagnostic display.

, or . - Cycle between all X, Z snap values on the selected Level Object.

Spacebar - Add the selected Room Pieces in the Room Piece Palette to the Layout at the Working Plane.

Home - Drop the selected Level Object(s) to the collision mesh below.

Ctrl + Home - Drop the selected Level Object(s) to the collision mesh below and orient them to the collision mesh's normals.

Delete - Delete the selected Level Object(s).

Arrow keys - Move the selected Level Object(s) using the current X, Z snap value.

Shift + Arrow keys - Duplicate the selected Level Object(s).

Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow keys - Rotate the selected Level Object(s) using the current Angle snap value.

Ctrl + Up or Down Arrow keys - Move the selected Level Object(s) up or down using the current Y snap value.

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