Main Window
Contents |
The main window of the GUTS editor is comprised of 5 primary sections:
- Menus
- Several menus that provide access to a collection of options, utilities, and useful tools.
- Toolbar
- A variety of buttons and drop-down boxes to quickly perform common tasks.
- Scene Manager
- A tree view listing of all objects in the current scene.
- Render Window
- The window where scenes are rendered and manipulated.
- Settings Window
- The window where various object and editor settings are listed.
- Properties
- Toggle the visibility of the Properties window.
- Editor Options
- Toggle the visibility of the Options window.
- Mods
- Toggle the visibility of the Mods window.
- Room Piece Palette
- Toggle the visibility of the Room Piece Palette window.
- Layout Link Palette
- Toggle the visibility of the Layout Link Palette window.
- Chunk Palette
- Open the Chunk Palette window.
- Unittype Hierarchy
- Open the \media\unittypes.hie file in the Hierarchical Viewer.
- Open Media Folder
- Open the Torchlight 2 Media folder in Explorer.
- Open AppData Folder
- Open the Windows AppData folder in Explorer.
- Run
- Editor.exe
- Launch the GUTS editor.
- HierarchicalViewer.exe
- Launch the Hierarchical Viewer.
- ModLauncher.exe
- Launch the Torchlight 2 Mod Launcher.
- texconv.exe
- TextureSheeter.exe
- Launch the Texture Sheeter.
- Torchlight2.exe
- Launch the Torchlight 2 game.
- Undo ( Ctrl + Z )
- Undo the previous action.
- Redo ( Ctrl + Y )
- Redo the previous action.
- Refresh Current Layout
- Reloads the objects in the current Layout Scene and regenerates the scene tree nodes.
- DDS Converter
- A simple DirectDraw Surface ( .DDS ) texture converter.
- The DirectX SDK must be installed.
- GUID Dumper
- Dumps a specified number of new GUIDs to a text file.
- GUID to Clipboard
- Copies a new GUID to the Windows Clipboard.
- Filename to Clipboard ( Ctrl + F )
- Copy the path of the currently loaded layout.
- Show FPS
- Display various performance information.
- Show Helpers ( Ctrl + H )
- Toggle object helpers on or off.
- Show Working Plane ( Ctrl + P )
- Toggle the working plane indicator on or off.
- Show Directional Light Indicator ( Ctrl + I )
- Toggle an arrow indicating the direction of the Directional Light in the current Level Rule Set.
- Show Grid ( Ctrl + G )
- Toggle the grid mesh on or off.
- Highlight Non Pathable Pieces
- Highlight all Room Pieces that have the "No Path" property set to True.
- Highlight Non Baked Pieces
- Highlight all Room Pieces that have the "Bake" property set to False.
- Highlight Collision Pieces ( Ctrl + K )
- Highlight all Room Pieces that have the "Collision Enabled" property set to True.
- Show Collision Meshes ( Ctrl + Shift + K )
- Toggle the display of the collision meshes of all Room Pieces in the Layout.
- Red indicates a pathable area
- White indicates a non-pathable area.
- Show Edges ( Ctrl + L )
- Toggle the display of all polygon edges.
- Show MIP Levels ( Ctrl + M )
- Toggle MIP level diagnostic display.
- Smaller MIPs are displayed more red while larger MIPs are more blue.
- Check Layout
- Open the Layout Checker window to check the currently loaded layout for duplicate Room Pieces.
- Check File References
- Open the File Ref Checker window to check file references in the data files.
- Mesh Poly Contributor List
- Open the Mesh Contributors window to see what meshes are contributing the most polygons to the currently loaded scene.
- Ogre Resource Info
- Open the Ogre Resource Info window to see what materials, meshs and textures are currently loaded by ogre
- Time Controller
- Open the Time Control window which is used to control the current time of day and time multiplier.
- Logic Debug
- Open the Logic Debug window to view all logic events in real-time when playing in the editor.
- Level Object Watcher
- Open the Level Object Watcher window to view all properties of editor objects in real-time while playing in the editor.
- Player Effect and Stat Watcher
- Open the Character Effect Viewer window.
- Monster Diagnostic
- Show Vision Radii
- Display the Vision Radius of all Monster Objects in the currently loaded layout.
- Show Motion Radii
- Display the Motion Radius of all Monster Objects in the currently loaded layout.
- Show Damage React Radii
- Display the Damage React Radius of all Monster Objects in the currently loaded layout.
- Show Collider
- Display the Collision Mesh of all Monster Objects in the currently loaded layout.
- Particle Movement
- Open the Particle Movement Properties window which is used to control particle movement when previewing.
- UI Scale
- Open the UI Scale window which is used to scale the open UI in the current UI Scene.
- Translation Data Converter
- Open the Translation Data Converter window.
- Reset Lighting
- Reset the lighting to its default values.
- Pathing Data Regenerator
- Open the Path Node Regenerator window.
Data Editors
- Tile Set and Room Pieces
- Open the Tile Set and Room Piece Editor window which is used to create and edit Tile Sets.
- Units
- Items
- Open the Item Editor window which is used to create and edit Item Units.
- Monsters
- Open the Monster Editor window which is used to create and edit Monster Units.
- Players
- Open the Player Editor window which is used to create and edit Player Units.
- Props
- Open the Prop Editor window which is used to create and edit Prop Units.
- Sound Banks
- Open the Sound Banks Editor window which is used to create and edit Sound Banks.
- Graphs (Stat Lines)
- Open the Stat Line Editor window which is used to create and edit curves.
- Affixes
- Open the Affix Editor window which is used to create and edit Affixes.
- Effects
- Open the Effect Editor window which is used to create and edit Effects.
- Camera Shakes
- Open the Camera Shake Editor window which is used to create and edit Camera Shakes.
- Spawn Classes
- Open the Spawn Class Editor window which is used to create and edit Spawn Classes.
- Level Rule Sets
- Open the Level Rule Sets Editor window which is used to create and edit Level Rule Sets.
- Texture Sheet Maker
- Open the Texture Sheeter which is used to create and edit texture sheets.
- Combining multiple images in to one texture sheet is better for performance.
- Skills
- Open the Skill Editor window which is used to create and edit Skills.
- Quests
- Open the Quest Editor window which is used to create and edit Quests.
- Recipes
- Open the Recipe Editor window which is used to create and edit Recipes.
- Recipes determine the required ingredients and subsequent result when combining items at the Item Combiner NPC.
- Sets
- Open the Set Editor window which is used to create and edit Sets.
- Sets provide the Player with various bonuses depending on the number of items in a set the Player has equipped.
- Unit Themes
- Open the Unit Theme Editor window which is used to create and edit Unit Themes.
- Cinematics
- Open the Cinematics Editor window which is used to create and edit cinematics.
- Editor Brushes
- Open the Brush Editor window which is used to create and edit brushes.
- Brushes determine what objects will be created when using the Brush tool along with their scale, rotation, and other properties.
- Themes
- Open the Themes Editor window which is used to create and edit Themes.
- Themes determine what themed Group Objects are loaded in a level.
- Level Feature Tags
- Open the \media\featuretags.hie file in the Hierarchical Viewer.
- Feature Tags determine how many tagged Group Objects are loaded in a level.
- Inventories
- Containers
- Open the Inventory Container Editor window which is used to create and edit inventory containers.
- Containers determine what and how many Slots are in an inventory.
- Slots
- Open the Inventory Slots Editor window which is used to create and edit inventory slots.
- Slots determine what Items can be added to an inventory.
- Stats
- Open the Stats Editor window which is used to create and edit stats.
- Unittypes
- Open the \media\unittypes.hie file in the Hierarchical Viewer.
- Triggerable Actions
- Open the Triggerable Actions Editor window which is used to create and edit Triggerable Actions.
- Waypoints
- Open the Waypoints Editor window which is used to create and edit Waypoints.
- Waypoints determine where the Player can warp to from Waypoint Portals.
Play Scene ( F5 to play. Shift + F5 to stop playing. )
- Play the currently loaded layout scene.
- If there aren't any Room Pieces loaded in the layout scene the \DataEditor\default.layout is played instead.
Undo ( Ctrl + Z )
- Undo the previous action.
Redo ( Ctrl + Y )
- Redo the previous action.
Position Mode ( V )
- Set the object control to Position mode allowing the selected object(s) to be moved.
Rotation Mode ( Hold Ctrl to soft-toggle Rotation mode on )
- Set the object control to the Rotation mode allowing the selected object(s) to be rotated.
- Rotation Type
- Set the type of rotation when in Rotation mode.
- World
- Local
Scale Mode ( Hold C to soft-toggle Scale mode on )
- Set the object control to Scale mode allowing the selected object(s) to be scaled.
- Not all objects are scalable.
Editor Brush Mode ( B )
- Set the object control to Editor Brush mode to use the Brush tool.
- This will automatically open the Brush Editor window.
Editor Brush Eraser Mode ( Hold Ctrl while in Brush mode to soft-toggle to Eraser mode )
- Set the object control to Editor Brush Eraser Mode to erase objects painted by the currently selected Brush.
Null Mode
- Disable object control.
- Snap X,Z
- Set the horizontal positioning snap value.
- Snap Y
- Set the vertical position snap value.
- Snap Angle
- Set the rotation angle snap value.
- Snap Toggle Button ( T )
- Enable/Disable object snapping to the set snap values.
Light Toggle
- Toggle the lighting on or off.
Reload Assets
- Manually reload assets without restarting the editor.
- All
- Particles
- Textures
- Item Sets
- Recipes
- Spawn Classes
- Sounds
- Layout Links
- Missiles
- Cinematics
- Affixes
- Aliases
- Wardrobe Sets
- Editor Brushes
- Level Feature Tags
- All Level Objects
- All Unit Data (slow)
- All Item Unit Data
- All Monster Unit Data
- All Prop Unit Data
- All Player Unit Data
- Waypoints
- Collision Pick Type
- Filter what type of objects can be selected with the mouse in the Render Window.
- Camera Speed ( Hold Ctrl to double this speed )
- Set the camera speed when moving with W, A, S, D, Q, or E.
- Active Editor Brush
- Set the currently active Brush.
Time of Day
- Displays the current time of day.
- Click to open the Time Control window.
Scene Manager
The Scene Manager window displays all objects in the current scene. Objects can be selected with left-click. Ctrl or Shift + Left-click will allow multiple objects to be selected at once. Actions can be performed on the selected object(s) by right-clicking on them. To create a new object in the scene right-click in an empty space, or on a Group Object, in the Scene Manager window and select the object from the list.
There are four tabs at the bottom of the Scene Manager window which determine which type of scene is being edited:
- The Layout Scene Manager is used to create and edit level and prop layouts.
- The UI Scene Manger is used to create and edit UI layouts.
Particle Creator
- The Particle Creator Scene Manager is used to create and edit particle layouts.
Scratch Pad
- The Scratch Pad Scene Manager provides a secondary scene to create or edit layouts while keeping another layout loaded in a different Scene Manager.
Render Window
The Render Window shows a visual representation of the current scene and is used to manipulate objects in space.
Settings Window
There are three tabs at the bottom of the Settings window which determine what is being edited:
- The Properties window displays all properties for the currently selected object(s).
- The Mods window displays all files that have been created or changed in the current mod.